Energy & Environment

Recarbonatation and remineralisation

The concentration of calcium and magnesium ions in water varies both according to their origin, depending on the types of rock the water has been in contact with, and according to the treatments the water has undergone, for example turbidity reduction which can lead to a reduction in dissolved salts. The concentration of calcium and magnesium ions determines the degree of hardness of the water: if the content of these salts in the water is very low the correct concentration needs to be restored to reach the minimum degree of hardness recommended by regulations.

SOL offers products, services and technology extensively tested on a number of applications: the desired degree of hardness is obtained by suitable doses of salts and CO2 of certified food purity, with typical doses of CO2 of a few dozen ppm depending on the initial hardness and other parameters involved in the process; SOL technology can carefully control dosages by adjusting the amount of CO2 to introduce into the water on the basis of several parameters, with cascade controls. Intervention on the plant to introduce the CO2 is simple and non-invasive stop

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