Training courses
Using gases safely
Safeguarding the health and safety of human resources are basic and essential values for the SOL Group, and for this reason SOL promotes training courses for its customers on the safe use of gases. These are theoretical and practical courses, made-to-measure for customer needs and peculiarities, based on almost a century of experience in the sector.
Welding courses
Courses on safety in the workplace under dl 81/2008
The text of reference for the health and safety of workers is European Directive 89/391/CEE of June 13, 1989 which contains minimum requirements for health and safety valid throughout Europe. In Italy, the decree that implemented the 89/391/CEE Directive of June 13, 1989, known as the “Single text on health and safety in the workplace” (TUSL).
Among the provisions of the TUSL is also the obligation to train and inform personnel involved in the activity.
This information and training must cover at least:
- the dangers and specific risks of activities and the prevention and protection measures, as in the risk evaluation document;
- the dangerous characteristics of gases and other chemical products used in production processes, as in safety sheets;
- the safety regulations for the activities carried out, as in company procedures, regulations and other documents;
- first-aid, fire prevention and the internal emergency plan.
Training must always be provided in the case of:
- hiring;
- transfer or change of duties;
- introduction of new equipment, technologies or dangerous substances;
- introduction of new regulations or modification to existing ones;
- updating of risk evaluation;
and must in any case be periodically repeated.
SOL is authorised to run this kind of courses for its customers, issuing an attestation valid under the TUSL after a learning check test.